All about music, photography, anything creative and a hint of pop culture.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Leona Lewis - Footprints In The Sand video
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Marion Cotillard Oscar 2008 Singing Press Room Exclusive
marion on her high
Savoring a Moment in the Sun, Despite a Court Date
He can pack the 2,800-seat Newark Symphony Hall, but he still has never had a Top 10 hit of his own.
Cave Exploration
National Geographic features a slideshow on Cave Exploration which depicts some of the largest and deepest caves from around the world.
Super Bowl 2008 - a multimedia blog from a Reuters Photog Lucy Nicholson
the video shows how they covered the game. it's good.
the video shows how they covered the game. it's good.
Monday, February 25, 2008
Sharon Jones & The Dap-Kings Live on NewsdayNY
they should have turned her vocals up a bit
Estelle feat. Kanye West - American Boy video
chillin track
my movie revues #31

i'm convinced at this point that i see the very best of contemporary cinema.
a very long engagement - see, the french have a way with films. beautiful picture.
the counterfeiters - see, this oscar winner was great.
there will be blood - pass, what the fuck is wrong with society? who cares if it is good acting. am i supposed to be blown away because this film shows how ruthless a business man can be? fuck outta here.
the darjeeling limited - see, quirky film set in india. it had some great moments. be sure to see the 13 minute short film hotel chevalier before the main picture.
he was a quiet man - pass, this film stars christian slater as a psycho in a hell of a predicament. not recommended for same reason no one makes a film about a guy who plays with purple dinosaurs at the mall all day. no one cares about losers that much. plus way too much cgi is annoying to me.
run fat boy run hd - see, lol comedy from simon pegg from hot fuzz. good clean fun.
in the valley of elah hd - see, military themed picture. all i know is people will be making war and war movies into infinity.
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Taken By Cars - Endings Of A New Kind

this is a fantastic album. it has a lady singer. they are from Manila, Philippines from what i gather. i tend to listen to a lot of indie the day after a night of drinking. don't ask me why. one of the genres used to describe the album was what sold me. dance-punk.
One Night Only - Started A Fire

Nicole Atkins - Maybe Tonight video
pretty cool
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Jordin Sparks ft. Chris Brown- No Air video
good shit
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
my oscar picks
nuts to gambling or whatever.. here's my choices based on what was actually good.
all skew away from juno, michael clayton and no country because those movies were whatever.
best picture: Atonement (there will be blood is the only one i have not seen.)
best director: Julian Schnabel The Diving Bell and the Butterfly (and i haven't even seen it)
best actor: no idea, don't care
best actress: Julie Christie Away from Her
best supporting actress: Amy Ryan Gone Baby Gone (i've seen every film, cate doing bob dylan was right up there too)
best original screenplay: Ratatouille (please kill me if juno wins)
best adapted screenplay: Away From Her
best sound mixing: Transformers
best sound editing: Transformers
all skew away from juno, michael clayton and no country because those movies were whatever.
best picture: Atonement (there will be blood is the only one i have not seen.)
best director: Julian Schnabel The Diving Bell and the Butterfly (and i haven't even seen it)
best actor: no idea, don't care
best actress: Julie Christie Away from Her
best supporting actress: Amy Ryan Gone Baby Gone (i've seen every film, cate doing bob dylan was right up there too)
best original screenplay: Ratatouille (please kill me if juno wins)
best adapted screenplay: Away From Her
best sound mixing: Transformers
best sound editing: Transformers
my movie revues #30

lars and the real girl - pass, there is nothing wrong with this film except the premise. goes from awkward to lol to pathetic really fast. main reason for not recommending is the times i said "this movie is stupid" aloud.
blackout - see, brooklyn, zoe saldana, marlo from wire, prodigy. this is a great film. check it for sure.
moving mcallister - see, mila kunis great light road trip comedy film with two crude moments.
the prisoner or how i planned to kill tony blair - see, but only if war stuff is your thing. this film points out the obvious mistreament of people with the context of war. if that's your thing, go for it.
the kingdom hd - see, this is the best kind of film hollywood money can make in my view. a ton of action with a killer ending.
blade runner hd - see, some cool stuff in this one. the photo scanning was very accurate.
michael clayton hd - see, barely. this can be described in two words: slightly boring. right from the first minute. i don't know what kind of drugs the london telegraph guy is smoking thinking this will win best picture.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Boys Will Be Boys, Girls Will Be Hounded by the Media
quick look at coverage of celebs. this would be the most poignant sentence:
The readership of US Weekly, for example, is 70 percent female; for People, it’s more than 90 percent, according to the editors of these magazines.
Toshiba Announces Discontinuation of HD DVD Businesses
all the stuff you hear about the format war is now over. hddvd is history. few people know exactly why bluray won so let me enlighten you. bluray took the lead when the playstation 3 came out, then most people figured they would rather have 50gb discs instead of 30gb, then there was a protection on bluray discs called bd+ introduced which is virtually uncrackable. bd+ is the ultimate reason bluray won. anyone who says different is ignorant. then bluray players went way down in price for christmas, then warner switched to bluray only, then walmart said bluray only, and that's it.
hypothetically bd+ can be cracked, but in reality i don't see that happening for at least two years. (the main guy behind bd+ worked on it for over three years.) this means the content of the studios is protected to the best of anyones ability.
Friday, February 15, 2008
Vanessa Carlton - Hands On Me video
it's cool we live in an era of at least a couple new music vids every day mon-fri. thumbs up
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
James Blunt - Carry You Home video
sad day when a james blunt video is better than new kanye and ashanti vids
Monday, February 11, 2008
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Che'Nelle - Hurry Up video
australian pop rap ftw
I Like Turtles
diplo samples this clip. the ultimate stamp of approval.
my movie revues #29

4 months 3 weeks and 2 days - pass, although technically this is a great film, i guarantee you will not enjoy it. there is not one second of anything happy, pleasant or easy-going. this is probably the most serious film i have ever seen.
the salton sea - see, very good drug movie.
set it off - see, can't go wrong. this is superb.
grandma's boy - see, i got a friend who only recommends the very best comedies. this movie is hilarious. see it.
descent - see, wow wow wow. if you decide to watch this film with rosario dawson, stick it through to the end. do not find out the plot of this movie. it will blow you away. rated nc17. you should know that. strictly for adults.
let's all hate toronto - see, funny documentary. includes the lol "toronto - if you go there, you might die." nuts to the media, everyone knows toronto is good because of hot chicks. yes the ones that now live here who used to be in the burbs. and yes, the hottest chick in the film was from toronto.
zodiac hd - see, quite the murder mystery. long and full.
Police take advantage of a Drunk Girl
the police. they're just like us!!
Saturday, February 9, 2008
You Don't Mess With The Zohan - coming this summer
looks like it could be great. june 6
AUDIO SLIDE SHOW: My First Fashion Week
kinda pointless but kinda cool.
Breaking Through
good read. movie with 9 actors is the best part of the link.
Monday, February 4, 2008
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Yes We Can
not gonna say anything about this video so you can be radically confused while watching it too
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Wow! That's. Amazing.
extremely convincing
Semi-Pro: "Love Me Sexy" Music Video
Sarah Silverman "I'm Fucking Matt Damon" on Jimmy Kimmel
looks like youtube is putting some technology into place that screws up copyright videos. funny vid.
Rogue Traders: Better in the Dark

this is their third album. their last one was multi-platinum in australia. i like to call this album fun rock. a little but of keys mixed in. apparently this is called electro-pop. tracks 2 opens with great humor. the title track is hype.
Friday, February 1, 2008
Shocking Pinks - Emily video
i can dig it
Leona Lewis - Bleeding Love US Version video
because times square isn't played out at all lol
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