4 months 3 weeks and 2 days - pass, although technically this is a great film, i guarantee you will not enjoy it. there is not one second of anything happy, pleasant or easy-going. this is probably the most serious film i have ever seen.
the salton sea - see, very good drug movie.
set it off - see, can't go wrong. this is superb.
grandma's boy - see, i got a friend who only recommends the very best comedies. this movie is hilarious. see it.
descent - see, wow wow wow. if you decide to watch this film with rosario dawson, stick it through to the end. do not find out the plot of this movie. it will blow you away. rated nc17. you should know that. strictly for adults.
let's all hate toronto - see, funny documentary. includes the lol "toronto - if you go there, you might die." nuts to the media, everyone knows toronto is good because of hot chicks. yes the ones that now live here who used to be in the burbs. and yes, the hottest chick in the film was from toronto.
zodiac hd - see, quite the murder mystery. long and full.
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