Friday, April 20, 2007

my movie revues #3

caffeine - see, it had a few funny laughs and a couple nice actresses.
shut up and sing - see, the dixie chicks are worthy enough to have a movie made about them especially when it documents a death threat.
little children - see, this is a sad story but it seemed really realistic in its portrayal of adultery.
live free or die - pass, the only reason i watched this was because zooey deschanel is in it. but it was pointless.
music and lyrics - see, i'm a sucker for super mainstream relationship stories. plus it really was good. you can tell right from the intro.
the fountain - see, but only if you can get into symbolism. i say watch because it has rachel weisz. it is thought-provoking but it was a bit too much for me.
starter for ten - see, the best movie on this list. right when i saw the hbo films logo at the beginning i knew it would be good. has a great soundtrack too.

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